I've gone and done something I promised I'd never do. In my preparation for the trail I did a lot of checking around on internet forums, namely and for advice on gear, timing etc. (NB. I also learned how to make my pepsi can stove from trailforums and that thing works like gangbusters) One piece of advice I didn't take had to do with clothing, namely that I should give up my hiking shorts and switch to a kilt. Not a kilt kilt, but a hiking kilt, they look like this:

Anyway, what kind of asshole would walk around all day wearing one of these? Right? Well, here's the thing. It has started to get really hot out on the trail, like pushing 80 degrees which when you're walking uphill with a pack strapped to your back feels like 115, and honestly things get really sweaty really fast. Of course hiking in these conditions for hours at a time and then for days at a time produces uncomfortable side effects and general unpleasantness. SOOOOO.... I've broken my own rule and yesterday I picked up a Mountain Hardware Mountain Kilt just like the one above. I promise PROMISE! this doesn't change anything, I'm not going to be wearing this when we go out for drinks or even ever in the real world (possibly around the house). Don't worry, this doesn't change anything; I'm not 'that guy,' I'm just trying to hike my own hike, man.

Anyway, what kind of asshole would walk around all day wearing one of these? Right? Well, here's the thing. It has started to get really hot out on the trail, like pushing 80 degrees which when you're walking uphill with a pack strapped to your back feels like 115, and honestly things get really sweaty really fast. Of course hiking in these conditions for hours at a time and then for days at a time produces uncomfortable side effects and general unpleasantness. SOOOOO.... I've broken my own rule and yesterday I picked up a Mountain Hardware Mountain Kilt just like the one above. I promise PROMISE! this doesn't change anything, I'm not going to be wearing this when we go out for drinks or even ever in the real world (possibly around the house). Don't worry, this doesn't change anything; I'm not 'that guy,' I'm just trying to hike my own hike, man.
I saw you wear a skirt anyway one day before, so it's cool
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