Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Before leaving on the trail, Tasha and I worked out that we could meet up for a long weekend in Gatlinburg, TN at the end of her spring break. The timing wasn't perfect, but close enough. Gatlinburg is a resort town with easy access to both the trail and the Knoxville Airport, so I figured it made more sense to meet up here than anywhere else. I'm really happy about how quickly i was able to reach Gatlinburg. I got in two days early even after purposefully hiking short days so i wouldn't arrive with much extra time. It's getting to the point where anything less than a 15 mile day seems quick. Hopefully after I get through the second half of the Smokies, things will pick up even more and I'll be able to cycle up to about 20 miles a day. This is good news.


Blogger elisabeth said...

Well done, John. I can't wait to see some pictures, and enjoy the time with Tasha!

10:51 AM  

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